Well, I did hit a bit of a snag, and the daily posts dropped off for a bit but I've been sick and nowhere near the computer. Sadly this means no writing got done, nor any progress on my business plan for the Emporium. What little energy I've had this week has gone towards E's costume for Anime North this weekend.
I've forgotten how much I enjoy sewing--I haven't sewn anything since I made my waxed canvas purse for my Japan trip. While I was working on E's dress and apron (he's going as a female character from an RPG called 'The Witches House') I started thinking about other projects I'd like to do, start, plan... and I knew it would just get away from me.
One thing that I struggle with is too many hobbies. (I shouldn't really say struggle, since, after all, I enjoy it.) Normally I just cycle through them, knitting for a few months, then switching to sewing when I get bored, then maybe trying something new like needlefelting or beadwork or wire jewelry... Because I don't stick to any one craft for long enough, I don't tend to 'level up' in them. Needlefelting I was doing for a good year, and constantly pushing myself to learn new techniques, but I really feel like I've plateaued. And of course my beloved fascinators... which brings me around to the point of all this: I want to focus on something, I mean really focus. Ideally it would be only one thing but that's impossible to do cold turkey, so I've picked two: fascinators and writing (well three; my job search counts too, I suppose).
When I have a burst of energy/inspiration, it usually just gets used up almost immediately on whatever's new and shiny and sitting in front of me. But I'm going to try and channel it into either fascinators (creating or business) and writing (business plan or creative). I don't know how successful I'll be but I want to give it my best.
Day 4 (technically I skipped a few days because I was sick but I shall just count days as posts--a good goal for any blog is 100 posts, I think): There is no feeling of joy like the one I shall have when I finally pick up my cheque today--the last of the money that was owed for work done in February.
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