I'm not entirely sure why I'm drawn back to writing a blog. I started *insert subplot here* back in 2004, as a way to keep in touch with a variety of people, since FB hadn't been invented yet. It was a way to write down what was happening in my life so that I could concentrate on personal emails. Since I believed that it was my own private corner on the internet, I wrote about things that were intimate and personal, and never expected it to grow beyond that. It lasted until 2010; by then it had morphed into a blog about my journey as a writer. But after I finished NaNoWriMo 2010, I fell into a fairly deep depression that lasted off and on for two years. My writing progress was derailed, and increasingly I didn't care to share details with my life with the internet.
I've now come to a point where I'd love to share details with the internet, but not necessarily my friends on Facebook. Image crafting, and all that--plus an ingrained need to write long-form, and FB no longer is a platform for diarists. My life is more than 140 characters, and anyway, there is something much more freeing about writing for strangers than for friends.
So I'm rebooting *insert subplot here*, and seeing if blogging is the way forward for me. がんばります!
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